The Great Marsh

This letter is faded with age

Part of the chapter:
Lore book icon Isabella's Folly
Isabella's Folly

The ancient road has taken us to the borders of a great marsh. Part of me wonders if Ruiz fled here, and I make a vow to myself that should I see him, I shall make no move to capture him – he has earned his peace, and I do not wish him to suffer as w...

The Great Marsh Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

The Great Marsh Page This letter is faded with age - on New World Guide Database of Lore

The ancient road has taken us to the borders of a great marsh. Part of me wonders if Ruiz fled here, and I make a vow to myself that should I see him, I shall make no move to capture him – he has earned his peace, and I do not wish him to suffer as we have.

The marsh stretches out in many directions, but scouts have spotted a peak in the distance. Captain Isabella has ordered us to march for it, and plans to use it to see more of the land and decide our next destination.

And so we march. This fen is a foul place, not nearly as inviting or warm as the shores to the south. Yet the Captain orders, and so we follow.

- Manuel

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